

Welcome to my Creative World!

Originally established 02/02/2000
Original Art; Workshops in Writing, spirituality, inspirational mandalas;

Some New Ways of Looking at Traditional Religion, Spirituality, Art, Love, Life, and the End of the Age.
My philosophy of life is based on a renaissance of creating, thinking, and living.

Renaissance is a time and place marked by a revival, especially in the arts and literature.

 My own life has become a coalescence of a revival in my philosophy, theology, art, and literature.

                                                                                                              --Dell Belew, BA, MA, Ph.D.



"In the beginning, God Created. . . " (Genesis 1:1a.)

Genesis One Designs

Publishing, Writing, Bookstore, Art/Design, Christian Ministry 

My latest venture has been into the world of publishing, especially for others who feel they have a book in them but never knew how to make it happen. I've been writing for over 50 years for pleasure, for college, for students, and for ministry. I have written 10 books and two supplemental textbooks for students to use in my classes.

Please check out my bookstore and read my comments about getting starting on your writing journey.  I know many people don't like to write, but I utilize prompts in my classes and workshops to help jump start the imagination. There is great personal discovery and wellness on the journey. I am available for guidance and I strive to offer the best advice for putting your ideas on paper and finally in print. The greatest thrill for me was seeing my name and title on my first published book cover. Let me help you publish yours.

Welcome to my creative world where I encourage visitors to pick up brush, pen, canvas, and paper to make your dreams a reality. I invite you to join with me in a journey to make all of your ideas come to life either in paint, words, or photographs--maybe all three. Contact me about having your work displayed on this site.

I work on commissions in visual art and writing, as well as creating workshops and seminars in which the groups learn ways to turn imagination into objective scenes. I teach methods of self-discovery through visual art. One of my best projects is helping both ordinary and extraordinary people put memories on paper as a legacy to children and grandchildren.

My services range from the smallest projects to the largest problem-solving ventures. Peruse my website to see examples of my work, writings, and workshops..

Dell Belew, Artist, Writer, Creative Director 

Please visit my art gallery that includes paintings in oils, acrylics, pastels, charcoal, and photographs. My media is mixed because I am somewhat of a chamelion. I like the quote in An Affair to Remember when Nicki's grandmother said of him, "He always wants to do whatever he is not doing at the time."

I think that is the general consensus of most creative people. One professor said I needed to settle on one thing, but a friend stood up for me and said, "But that would be boring for a creative person like Dell." She was so right.

I not only teach writing and wellness workshops but painting. I can come to your home, place of business, or community to teach workshops or to your church to do 2 or 3 day workshops on creative arts in worship. The fine arts include painting, drama, sacred dance, flags, banners, and poetry.

Please contact me at